I LOVE trailers! I wasn't really aware of this love for trailers until recently but I do love the ability to piece together a 1 minute clip of activity combined with music and chosen typography that will convey the message of a cinematic piece. Something has to draw you in and make you pay attention. STOP. LOOK. LISTEN. When the trailer for the movie Inception came out, that's what I did. Now, some may say that there is nothing special about the trailer but it caught my attention. I've watched it several times wanting to see this movie while not having a CLUE what the movie is about.....BUT it peaked my interest. To take the elements of strong music, strong type, strong movie clips and roll them into a teaser of interest.... gets my vote, as well as my 10.50 for viewership. Ok, make that 20.50 for popcorn and a drink. GEESH!!
I really love this trailer as well. The graphics are Saul Bass-inspired and they tells the movie's narrative and capture its mood in an appealing way.
ReplyDeletePosted by rraifordbabcock at 2:59 PM